ann來比利時孜孜不倦的辛苦努力開花結果了! 在9/26(五)上午一收到布魯塞爾寄來領取比利時身分證的通知函,就急急忙忙帶著笑得合不攏嘴的大嘴奔到Alveringem市府去接ann的身分證回家了! 懶惰又投機的ann繳交了六年前趁拍婚紗照時拍的大頭照,要放在比利時身分證上得當然要美美的大頭照才上相。。。真不害躁。。。領了身分證後,ann也要開始執行投票權了,以後再也不行跟老公說:你們比利時。。。。怎樣怎樣的,要改說我們比利時。。。。怎樣怎樣。。。;之後在歐洲的行動也更加方便,不用為簽證到處奔波了,開心的想跳上枝頭呢!申請過程中,還挺坎坷的,到處碰釘子,不過秉著一位外事處小姐一句話:那是我的權利!就咬著牙拼下去,現在一路走來,辛苦有代價了!比利時各地市政府的辦事人員也是常兩光兩光的,所以在這真得是要告自己契而不捨的爭取,要不肯定喪氣而歸,這是上社會融合課程時學到的精神!以下附上兩封敘述當時申請國籍的心記路程mail (給離台前認識的一對比利時老公和台灣老婆朋友,他們有一個10歲的兒子,錯過了幫他申請比利時國籍的年紀,計畫從媽咪那邊去輾轉附取。。。),現在再次讀了以下mails,更家慶幸自己熬了過來,希望將自己的經驗分享給有相同情況的台灣人,期待在異國婚姻下可以有個更順暢的文件之戰!
mail 1#
----- Original Message -----
From: ann & dawn
To: david monson
Sent: Monday, December 24, 2007 7:08 AM
Subject: Re: back in your mails
Hi, David and Sophie This is Ann ! How are you ?? Hope everything goes good ! By the way, I'd just want to say something about the related Documents for applying the Belgium Nationality, It's really really a trouble thing to get everything smooth and right for people who don't live in Belgium..... 'cos I'm also struggle for that.....the worst is that I may need to wait for 5 more years to apply..... (normally 3 years after marriage, but the Government will change it to 5 years next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) The City house here returned my application already, they said I can't apply unless I live in Belgium for 3 years !!!! But I don't buy it, I still try to fight for it, where I attended for the social courses ( for new comers), they said it's possible.. So I told the City house that I have the right to ask for that as long as I am married more than 3years, And who knows that they said : oh....I'm afraid of that I don't have enough connection with Belgium during the 3years, 2 time for visiting Belgium is not enough...bla..bla... well.....I think you still need to ask the Belgium trade office for it...'cos even I'm here, I'm stuck!!!!! Steve even can't do anything more!!! But after the x'mas holidays, I will try again to contact the foreigner affairs office and see what happens, I'll keep you informed, and hope soon I can bring you good news! Gotta go to bed, Tot straks !! With Greetings Ann and Steve ------------------------------------------ mail.2# |
From: ann & dawn
Hi, David and Sophie, It's Ann here ! How are you ? It's been a while since last mail, It's still could here....very sick weather! Everybody hates it! :( I've worked a little bit in a packing factory, min. 3 days per week, 8 hrs per day! I feel very happy with it so far! It's so good to earn some money on my own! My Nederlands is getting better, hopefully :P The class is very good for me here. Well, back to the point for the nationality issue, Finally!Finally!Finally it starts to move a little!!! I got a orange card (like ARC) after few weeks I arrived in Belgium,and that is for 5 months, Some people told me maybe I’d better try to apply the Nationality after I get another new card (Yellow card which is for 5 years), And that is 17,April I got the new card, then I immediately handed all the papers as the list I'd got from Natalie in the Belgium trading office in Taipei, Such as: my nationality proof, living together proof, birth proof,family book; a letter to the King ( also note down my connections with Belgium in these years in Taiwan). Also plus the extra information (I guess they may ask): Connection with Belgium during the time we lived in Taiwan, So I collected the copies of my passport for the dates I came to Belgium, photos for the two kids' baptizes in the churches, luckly I still keep the local newspapers with the article of the 50 years(marriage) party of my parents in law and the baptizing name list, then I also made the copies from those. Anything I can find and have !! I tried my best to push the woman in the City hall, and got a paper to prove that they start to work on it on 21,April and we waited. And just this Tuesday(29,April), we had a policeman came to visit ! He has a questionnaire for applying the Nationality! That means " a super good start!!!" although we still are not sure for everything but it's moving...... And now we just need to be " Patient" and see what will be the next step, Well, well....I hope that you could understand all those explanation.... It is super annoying already for us, even we are here, we still have no way to follow, nobody can give us a clear way to do, always say: well....just try then" What is that ???!!!! Well, I have totally no idea! So I do what I can, just follow the list I got from Taipei and push the " silly" people. They say it's a typical Belgium way......ha..... So David....I think...maybe for applying the Nationality only can be possible when you move back here and stay, Or I could do it already in Taiwan ( as long as married for 3 years), but I think it's something impossible that we could do it like that. For those people you got information there, I think they always can try to help you but the final decision is in Brussels as to what we always heard.'s really a long way to go... I hope that I could bring you some more news ASAP. And hope that everything will go more smooth for both of us!!!! Keep in touch and keep our fingers cross! With love Ann and Steve |