Kipling 線上商店 : http://www.kipling.com/be-en/?___from_store=be-nl&__website=5
!!!! 注意 : Shipping Cost : 寄送到比利時當地(比利時雜貨代訂專區)的運費
Kipling charges the cost of delivery.The cost of delivery is fixed per order. The cost of delivery is set at 8.90€.
訂購Kipling線上商店產品須額外加收寄送到比利時當地(ann的比利時雜貨代訂專區)的運費!!!! ,此費用也須由買加負擔喔!一筆訂單為單位,比利時當地運費為8.90€,現在Kipling線上商店推出促銷方案,比利時當地運費免費!!!(01.2012最後更新日期,其免當地運費的優惠依kipling官網為主,謝謝!)
Kipling 訴求著豪邁熱情,創新與時尚感,於1987年在比利時的時尚之城,安特惠普的一間小公寓裡發跡,由三個懷有澎湃熱情的流行追求者以一系列可折式的潮流包包打開通往流行界的大門! 在過去幾十年當中,Kipling相當活躍著朝征服世界的目標前進,此時,Kipling這個品牌在全世界55個國家中扮演著各年齡層喜好流行的使用者生活中相當重要的角色;尤其它最受人矚目的就是logo上的猩猩猴子!
About Kipling
The kipling story is one of great passion, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit. It all started in 1987 in a small flat in Antwerp, City of fashion, when three keen enthusiasts made their entrance into the fashion world with a trendy yet affordable collection of bags.
For over the past decades, Kipling has been busy conquering the world. It now plays an important part in the lives of more than 35 million women in 55 countries. Kipling offers a wide range of trendy and fashionable high quality bags, each one of them with the world-famous dangling little monkey, It truly suits all tastes, whether you're looling for something natural, hot, smart, glamorous or casual. Kipling offers the perfect bags for wmomen who live life to the fullest and who are not afraid to show it.
Kipling, attitude included....